"Thank you for the great tour. We all enjoyed it. I heard not one complaint (and that is amazing for our group!!). Everyone was very complimentary. They said that they learned so much that they did not know. All of the trivia and odd facts fascinated them!!!
Again, thank you. You made planning our tour so easy and enjoyable. We will pass the information on to others."
Pat Diehl
Stonebridge at Winton Woods Retirement Community
"The tour was wonderful! I enjoyed it as did everyone on the trip. The association president commented at last night's banquet that we all know now about the term for "buck" and he wondered about some of the those Newport terms. Your insight into the local color as well as the facts made the whole day memorable.
If I am asked for a reference for a city tour, I will recommend you highly. You were a big part of a successful reunion."
Cheryll Baker
Reunion Coordinator U.S.S. Joseph Strauss
"We all talked about our tour all afternoon. You supplied all the information you could possibly cover in the allotted time. You had many facts that we all were surprised to hear. It is true, you are never too old to learn. Thank you again."
Pat Specht
St. Ignatius Seniors